Leslie Schwartz
Developmental Editor
Developmental editing, (sometimes called a “content edit” ) is a comprehensive global edit of a manuscript that every author must have before even considering sending it to a publisher, agent or Amazon KDP. The objective is to help the writer prepare the manuscript for an agent or editor search or for publishing whether self-publishing or through independent publishers. As your developmental editor with decades of experience, I examine all aspects of your book-in-progress and return extensive notes for revision. During the revising process, I am there at every turn as a mentor and coach to get you through this rewarding process. Your manuscript will improve beyond measure. Areas of concern for every manuscript undergoing this imperative aspect of the writing process include examining the viability of your structure, sequencing issues, character development, plotting, theme, voice, and dialogue. Also of important is the formatting for your document. Email me for a sample edit and a free consultation: [email protected]